Heart Disease: Difference in Men and Women Heart disease affects both men and women, but there are important differences in how it presents, is diagnosed, and is treated in each gender. These differences highlight the importance of understanding gender-specific factors when it comes to heart disease prevention and management. Symptoms: Men and women may experience different symptoms when they have heart disease. While chest pain or discomfort is a common symptom for both genders, women are more likely to experience atypical symptoms such as shortness of breath, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, back pain, or jaw pain. This can lead to delayed diagnosis and treatment in women, as these symptoms are not always immediately associated with heart problems. Age of Onset: Men tend to develop heart disease at a younger age than women. However, the risk for heart disease increases significantly in women after menopause, suggesting that hormonal changes play a role in th...
Showing posts from October, 2023
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Supporting People With Mental Health Conditions At Work :- Discussing about mental health conditions proves to be a very challenging conversation topic for many people. The fear of marginalization or judgment might be to blame for this. When mental health conditions are not supported at work it invites more stigma and prejudice which makes it even harder for people to open up about their condition. This can hamper their productivity and overall organizational growth. Most of the day is spent at work so it is essential that the working environment provides you with a sense of support and safety. Being supportive does not require any special skills. It only requires you to possess some very basic skills that you otherwise use in your daily life such as empathy, kindness, patience or being approachable, to name a few. Supporting someone with mental health condition starts with encouraging and normalizing the conversations around mental health and creating a culture that i...
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Diabetes - No Barrier For Sports Many sports achievers have won numerous medals after being diagnosed with diabetes yet it did not dither them from pursuing their passion. Wasim Akram is one such name in the sport of Cricket, who has lived this disease from the age of 29 and still has carved a niche for himself as one of the greatest fast bowler who has taken maximum wickets. Mind discipline is something that he emphasized on throughout his career which eventually did work for him. Correlation between Sports and Diabetes It is common practice to encourage physical exercise in someone who has Diabetes . Well, certainly physical exercise contributes to improving your health and general well being but don’t forget it can be fun too. As Diabetes is largely a condition that is managed by patients themselves on a day to day basis, it is very important to understand what happens to your body during exercise. This will help you to improve your blood glucose control, optimize your p...
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When Sugar Hits Your Feet ? Diabetes Melitus commonly known as Diabetes is a metabolic diseases which is due to the rise in the blood sugar levels. Diabetes is fast gaining the status of a potential epidemic in India with more than 62 million diabetic individuals currently diagnosed with the disease. The prominent symptoms of hyperglycemia are frequent urination, thirst and increased appetite. If uncared for, chronic hyperglycemia can lead to long-term damage like dysfunction, and failure of different organs, especially the eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart, blood vessels, and also foot problems. Diabetic patients are predisposed to foot infections which are more common. Diabetes causes two major problems which affect the feet which are diabetic neuropathy and peripheral artery disease. Foot related problems are common among diabetic patients; even the simplest of problems can get worsened and lead to serious complications. Problems faced by diabetic individ...
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Exercise & Asthma Exercise - induced asthma is a condition of respiratory difficulty (bronchoconstriction) that is triggered by aerobic exercise, and lasts several minutes. Causes include medical conditions, environmental factors, and medications. Symptoms of exercise-induced asthma during or following exercise include chest tightness or pain, cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, underperformance or poor performance on the field of play, fatigue and prolonged recovery time.
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Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects the way your body metabolizes sugar (glucose), the main source of fuel for your body. With Type 2 diabetes, your body either resists the effects of insulin (a hormone that regulates the movement of sugar into cells) or doesn’t produce enough insulin to maintain normal glucose level. You need to consult your doctor for diabetes , as untreated, Type 2 diabetes can be life-threatening. There’s no cure for Type 2 diabetes, but you can manage the condition by eating well, exercising and maintaining a healthy weight. If diet and exercise don’t help, you may need diabetes medication or insulin therapy. SYMPTOMS Increased thirst and frequent urination Increased hunger Weight loss Fatigue Blurred vision Slow-healing sores or frequent infections COMPLICATIONS Type 2 diabetes can be easy to ignore, especially in the early stages when you're feeling fine. But diabetes affects many major organs, including your heart, blood vessels, nerves, ey...
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WHAT IT IS? "Our nutritionally deficient, stress-dominated living as well as dieting and toxin-filled eating has abused our body systems, hormonal balances, and metabolisms to make weight loss nearly impossible. Aster your metabolism is a program designed to repair you metabolism by the way you eat and what you eat. Not only will you lose weight, you can also reduce your risk for heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. It takes a three-phase approach that first removes "anti-nutrients" (processed, preservative-filled foods) from your diet, then replaces them with healthy foods that help with fat-burning, and finally, re-balances your hormones with better food, exercise, and sleep habits. Master you Metabolism: WHAT YOU CAN EAT? YOUR METABOLISM MEAL PLAN is centered on 10 "Power Nutrient" Food Groups: 1.Legumes (peas and beans) 2.Alliums (onions, leeks, shallots) 3.Berries 4.Meat and eggs (this group also includes fatty fish like salmon...