Supporting People With Mental Health Conditions At Work :-

 Discussing about mental health conditions proves to be a very challenging conversation topic for many people. The fear of marginalization or judgment might be to blame for this. When mental health conditions are not supported at work it invites more stigma and prejudice which makes it even harder for people to open up about their condition. This can hamper their productivity and overall organizational growth. Most of the day is spent at work so it is essential that the working environment provides you with a sense of support and safety. Being supportive does not require any special skills. It only requires you to possess some very basic skills that you otherwise use in your daily life such as empathy, kindness, patience or being approachable, to name a few. Supporting someone with mental health condition starts with encouraging and normalizing the conversations around mental health and creating a culture that is both open and supportive. In contrast to focusing on what someone cannot do, the focus should be directed towards what they can do.


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